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Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I choose Card Pay?

In addition to offering you competitive pricing, Card Pay adds a relationship to your business, one that may not exist with other competitors. Our profitability is directly related to your card payment processing. We believe the combination of these advantages creates a comprehensive program to meet all your card payment needs.

What do I need to do to get set up for credit/debit/private label card processing/ATMs?

You can call us at 1-877-883-0131 or fill out our Online Request Form. A sales representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible. You will then need to fill out an application with information about owner/officer and the business.

Can I set up an account with Card Pay if my business is currently leasing or owns equipment?

Yes, leasing or owning equipment with another company does not restrict you from processing with us. As long as the equipment is universal, i.e., First Data, Verifone, Ingenico, and Triton ATM’s, we can reprogram your equipment and you can still keep your existing agreement with your lessor. You will want to check to see if you have a contract in respect to your credit card/ATM processor, but even if you have one, Card Pay may be able to help find solutions to coming aboard with us. Think of equipment and the actual processing as two different aspects of our industry.

Do I need to open a checking account with Card Pay to process credit/debit/private label cards and ATMs?

No, you just need to have a checking account. Once we have a voided check of where you would like your funding deposited, we will automatically ACH the funds into your account.

Why is there a difference in rates and cost between inserting a card, manually keying in a card, or taking a secure transaction over the internet?
Inserting a card into a terminal will qualify for a lower rate because the card is present which means the transaction is considered low risk. Manually keying transactions will qualify higher because the card is not present, which means higher risk due to fraud. Internet transactions are still higher because of the higher risk and the cost for processing the transaction securely through the gateway.

What is a gateway?

A gateway is the integration between software and hardware that allows secure transactions over the internet.

How can I accept debit transactions and what is the difference between online and offline debit?
To be able to accept online debit you must have a pin pad so your customers can enter their pin number. The funds will immediately be debited from the customer's checking account. In order to accept offline debit the card must have a VISA or MasterCard logo. The transaction will process the same as if you did a credit card transaction and usually the transaction will take 2-4 days for the funds to be debited out of the customers' checking account. The funding time for your business will be virtually the same for online or offline debit.

Can Card Pay set up other entitlements such as American Express?
Yes, Card Pay can process these card entitlements, however all settlements and funding will be handled by American Express.

What will I need to get an ATM?

A dedicated phone line is required, as is valid business insurance. If you are leasing an ATM you will also need to be approved.

What if I don't want to purchase or lease an ATM but still want an ATM in my business?

Card Pay offers a variety of different programs for ATMs. One option is to have Card Pay place an ATM in your business allowing you to earn a percentage of the surcharges while not spending your needed business capital on an ATM.

Will I have to place my own cash inside the ATM?

Yes, whether you have Card Pay place an ATM in your business or you are purchasing an ATM, you are expected to maintain the ATM with your own cash. However, when cash is dispensed from the ATM, the amount will automatically be deposited into your checking account within 24-48 hours.

What are Interchange, Dues, & Assessments?

Interchange are the fees charged by the issuing cardholder bank passed through from Card Pay to you the merchant. There are many different types of fee categories for cards from debit and credit to corporate, rewards and commercial cards. In addition, there are different fee categories for different industries (such as hotel and supermarkets) as well as how cards are processed (swiped vs. key entered). Dues & Assessments are the fees charged by Visa and MasterCard. The issuing Banks and Visa/MasterCard are separate organizations. For a complete listing of Interchange, Dues & Assessments please click on the below links.
Visa or MasterCard

Do other processors and acquirers pay the same Interchange, Dues & Assessments?
Yes. These fees are the same for every processor and acquirer that sets up merchant accounts.
7110 SW Hazelfern Rd., Suite 260
Tigard, OR 97224

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Card Pay is a registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA.
The Clover name and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.
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Card Pay, 7110 SW Hazelfern Rd., Suite 260, Tigard, OR 97224 : (503) 384-0131 : : 2/4/2025 : Page Keywords: Bank card processing Portland OR :